Dune - Old Games Download

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  Downloads for Dune Downloads for Dune Dune is a real-time strategy game that dwells an the universe of Frank Herbert's Dune series. Often considered the grand-daddy of all RTS games, Dune is an updated version of the classic Dune 2, Some would argue that Dune 2 is one of the most influential strategy games ever made/10(17). Download dune for free. Games downloads - Dune Gruntmods Edition by Gruntmods Studios and many more programs are available for instant and free download.  

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I love the book and the movie Dune so Dune was a game that I and my dad were excited for back in the day. The thing is, back then I had no idea that this was just a remake and I use that term very loosely of Dune 2 with very little changed to the core game. As a result, while Dune is something many people love, this game is not seen as one of the high points of the series.

The game does have a story and if you have already played Dune 2 you will know what you are getting into. The House that prevails will be handed Dune and with that all the Spice they can handle, Spice being the most valuable commodity in the universe! I am not saying this story is bad or anything like that. It is just so lackluster in its presentation that it is hard to get excited by. When Dune was released it was the late 90s and RTS games had started to get a bit of a cinematic flair to them and this game is sorely lacking in that regard.

If you love the Dune franchise you may get a tad more out of it. Even at the time, the game was released this was seen as a rather ugly looking game. Okay, that may be a tad harsh, but this is a game that is certainly very basic in terms of the way it looks. I do like how they tried their best to give the many different dessert-themed maps a bit more personality.

However, everything else in the game really shows that they took Dune 2 and did very little to make it look like other comparable games of its day.

One area that I do really like is the sound design. They did a fantastic job in this regard and the sound is very fitting for this desertplanet. A huge reason why many people feel that Dune was a bit of a letdown was the core gameplay. This is a real time strategy game, but it is one that plays it very, very safe. I feel that the late 90s were a pivotal time in RTS games with many games making great strides in the genre.

What we have here is a game that plays very similar to the game that was released the better part of a decade earlier! That does not make this a bad game as Dune 2 was fun. The game has many different unites and you can play as all three houses, but apart from having different looking units, they all feel and play the same. Some are very unbalanced and once you figure out which units can steamroll the enemies, you never feel the need to change up your tactics. My father and I were huge Dune fans when I was a kid and the most fun I had with this was the multiplayer.

I would have to say that I agree with all of those that say Dune was a disappointing experience. I feel that they should have just made a brand-new game and tried to be braver and bolder with the game design and they could have had something special here.

If you are a fan of the Dune universe you might get a tad more enjoyment out of it, especially if you can play with a fellow Dune fan. As soon as Westwood announced details of Dune , alarm bells started ringing. Dune 2 was the first decent real-time strategy game, and without any hint of exaggeration has shaped the genre as it stands today.

Without it, Total Annihilation might never have been. Imagine that. Sends a shiver down the spine, doesn't it? Let's extend the scenario to the world of first-person shooters: what if Wolfenstein had never happened? It doesn't bear thinking about. Anyway, the thought of a sequel to Dune 2 sent saliva glands into overdrive - until we read later on that Dune wasn't really a sequel, but rather a Cremake' of the original classic.

Now, remakes can either be a good thing or a bad thing. While remakes of films tend to be bigbudget money-rakers with nothing but special effects to sell them, it's the new and improved effects that make games remakes better. The truth is, though, what games publishers call sequels, we call remakes. When they start calling them remakes, you know there's something fishy going on. For those of you too young or too stoned to remember Dune 2, it was loosely based on the David Lynch film Dune, but without the pseudo-religious overtones.

It was a heady mix of resource gathering, building and chaotic destruction to the last man. The resource was the spice melange, the setting was the desert planet Arrakis, and you had a choice of three sides to choose from: the Atreides were the good guys, the Harkonnen the bad, and the Ordos were mysterious, underhand and downright ugly.

Actually they were all pretty ugly, what with everyone sporting a pair of eyebrows even Dennis Healy would be ashamed to display. For this 98 remix, the game remains largely unchanged. All Westwood have done is meddle with the missions to make them more balanced, film some FMV and slapped it all into an updated Red Alert box. Consequently we have multiplayer options, hi-res graphics and the ability to group units, rather than having to direct them one at a time as you had to do in the original.

The only evidence that this game is new is a few graphical effects like coloured lighting and smoke. Even with these enhancements -and certainly next to TA - Dune looks a year out of date.

Dune s biggest selling point is its simplicity. Against TA or Dark Reign, the limited number of units available make this game easy to get into. While you're there, it's fun in a back-to-basics kinda way. However, playing through the same missions with the same units does little to bring back the fervour with which the original was played; in fact the experience rather soiled the memory. In its favour, the missions played quite well, but there is absolutely nothing new here that isn't in other real-time strategy games.

The novelty of building a new base every mission has long worn away, and the flat, beige terrain soon makes you reach out for something altogether greener. Some die-hard Dune fans are bound to find some redeeming features probably the worms , but those of you who haven't will just wonder what all the fuss was about.

Where the first game was ground-breaking, this is just another clone, albeit from the originators. It's obvious that Dune is at best a stopgap before Tiberian Sun appears; at worst it's an excuse to print money. Westwood may have once been the bosom of creativity, but Tiberian Sun will have to be something special if they want to regain their crown.

The paradox is that from a developer of Westwood's standing, Dune is substandard. As an updated version of Dune 2 it's fine. If that was Westwood's aim in developing the game, then they have succeeded.

But maybe they should have aimed their sights a little bit higher and created a sequel. They've had long enough to do that, after all. Even with these enhancements - and certainly next to Total Annihilation -Dune looks a year out of data". Back In April , Two Things happened that were to irreversibly alter the face of computer gaming forever. Both events were understated affairs that barely registered as farts at the time, but four years down the line each has mushroomed into a gigantic gaming air biscuit.

Often imitated especially of late , neither has actually been bettered. But hey, instead of me gushing on about the mag which you are reading, let us concentrate instead on the phenomenon that was and still is Dune 2, essentially the first decent real-time strategy game and one of the first games to be reviewed.

Dune 2 was an evolutionary leap onto dry land for a genre characterised by hexes and halitosis. Gone were the reinforcements that amved in turn 13, and instead players had to create their own kick-ass units by collecting resources, building bases and defending them from relentless attack. And it was fantastic. The first game was based on the film of the book and was an interesting mix of adventure and strategy that, somewhat ambitiously perhaps, almost managed to capture the pseudo-religious ambience of the movie.

Although it was well received, the characters as in the film all sported hairstyles reminiscent of the Bay City Rollers. French developers Cryo were responsible.

Rather than go one better by upping the adventure element, new boys Westwood changed things somewhat. The rest is legend. But enough of the history lesson. We don't want to get too misty-eyed just to build up the fact that Dune is a remake of a four-year-old game. Or do we? Lewis Peterson, the game's producer, maintains that their make-over is still something to shout about. However, it's set in the Dune universe, an exotic setting full of political intrigue and danger.

It was a classic game that we wanted to give devoted fans a chance to revisit, and give a new generation of gamers the opportunity to experience for the first time. The engine in Dune is new. It has been developed to support various new features that were not found in the original.

It will contain all of the simplicity and excitement that made the original, CftCand Red Alert fun to play. What will be apparent only to people who battled through Dune 2 are the changes made to the control system.

For any gamer worth their salt it will be nothing new, ported as it is from Red Alert, but compared to the fiddly old Dune 2 interface it should be a massive improvement.

Players will be able to group units so that,. Anyone with even a vague memory of Dune 2 will remember how frustrating it was to manually select and direct your attack unit by unit, resulting in weak and uncoordinated attacks. Those who already own a copy of both Dune 2 and Red Alert may well ask just how different Dune will be from the classic they know and love so well. However, the fact that Westwood are updating all the old maps is perhaps testament to their longstanding playability. This should provide fans of the original with a new experience, even if they played through every mission in Dune 2.

Our designers are now finishing off the process of creating alternate missions for each side to add replay value. The redesign has also prompted a new set of cut-scenes -those old ones would never do. We have also gone in and redone the artwork for each of the sides. This way, players can distinguish and really get a feel for the Houses they have chosen. Before starting a campaign, I myself have often wondered which of the three Houses would be the best in an out and out fist fight, and soon we'll all be able to find out.

Lewis has always made it clear that the emphasis will remain on the diversity of the infantry units. They won't be just cannon fodder, instead they'll be harder to hit and able to dash up mountain sides via predefined routes. It seems that Westwood can't stress enough how fresh the ideas behind Dune 2 still are: "With updated graphics, sound, special effects and multi-player capability, we expect Dune will stand on its own, New and old players alike will get another chance to conquer the desert planet Arrakis,".



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